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Namaste from Yoga with Jenny Light

Just Breathe

Pebble Beach

About My Practice

A Life of Balance

I have practised Yoga for over 20 years but it wasn’t until meeting my teacher Denise Balyoz and being introduced to Ashtanga Yoga that my Yoga practice became daily. Inspired by how Yoga helped me grow stronger, more flexible and conquer fears both on and off the mat I wanted to share this with others. Already a Montessori pre-school teacher I knew how much I loved teaching and started a Yoga Teacher training programme in 2017.
Being originally from Sweden where leading a healthy and outdoor lifestyle has always been very natural and part of every day life for me. Having been a keen runner I now love hiking or walking my dog in the countryside of Holyport where I live alongside my daily Yoga practice and weight training in the gym.


Who I Am

Strong Foundations

I'm 48 years old and a busy mum of 2 teenage girls. 

I love being a mum but when I need some strength and peace I have always turned to yoga.

I feel very privileged to teach Yoga and being able to share my passion with others.

Seeking to guide you finding your path to nurture your body, mind and soul with Yoga I hope to do so with a combination of meditation, Pranayama (breathing exercises) and Asana (poses) including Warrior poses, forward bends, backbends, twists, balance poses, inversions and lots and lots of core and glutes work!!

Being a calm, positive and empathetic teacher I lead Vinyasa Flow classes combining creative sequences to build strength and stamina, at the same time improving flexibility and balance through linking breath with movement.

I also aim to show you that Yoga can help improve your concentration and focus, which can improve sleep at night and more energy during the day. Yoga calms the mind to reduce stress.

Most of my classes are open to all levels.

Yoga is available to anyone and every body and is a personal journey of “being in the present” free from judgement and competition. As I have extensive knowledge of a range of injuries I have a real experience and understanding of how to modify poses to fit into every students needs and ability.

I will provide props in classes such as brick blocks, straps, resistance bands and chairs if we are using these in our practice.

Some of the classes have a stronger flow and some experience of Yoga practice would be needed for these as they have a faster paced sequence/flow.

I'm hoping to engage you in a challenging practice with a dose of playfulness and fun together with some inspiration to deepen your practice feeling strong, refreshed, nourished and balanced.

I will also share my love of essential oils in the Yoga practice.

Practice & Education

Learn to Listen to Your Body

I completed The Samara Yoga School 200hr teacher training in September 2018 which is a comprehensive 200-hour Yoga Alliance® Registered Teacher Training led by Sam Mills. This training introduced me to a more alignment based practice and teaching style.

Improving wellbeing is more than just a fitness decision, it’s a lifestyle commitment. My courses and sessions provide an excellent opportunity to exercise your body and mind, but they’re also places to meet and share with other engaged and open-minded individuals. Check out my offerings of services and programs and join my community today.

Vinysa flow classes

Flow of Movement

Hoping to engage you in a challenging practice with a dose of playfulness and fun together with some inspiration to deepen your practice feeling strong, refreshed, nourished and balanced.

Using props (straps and blocks) and sometimes resistance bands or chairs to assist with finding the right engagement of muscles and building flexibility.

The flow centres around control and precision, with a diversity of exercises and modifications to suit a range of levels from beginner to advanced.

I will share my love of essential oils in the Yoga practice.

Currently hosting in person classes in Holyport, Maidenhead.
Mondays 8pm - Holyport Memorial Hall.


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Private tuition

Strength & Healing

This is where you as a student can receive a more customised teaching including more modifications and homework assignments to deepen your connection to yourself and is designed to help you as a student to reach your yoga and life objectives.

Your lessons may play a role in helping to overcome mental, emotional, and physical obstacles that are present in your life.

Also help to discover or enhance a certain quality like peace, strength, or compassion; or perhaps a physical sensation such as increased flexibility or reduced pain

Private lessons are held in your home unless otherwise arranged.

Please contact me for prices.

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Upcoming Workshops

Yoga and Essential oils

Sun Salutations

Your Yoga home practice

Yoga Nidra

Here you can find the latest workshop schedule on offer to deepen your understanding in different subjects relating to Yoga asana practice, meditation and essential oils.

Spring 2024 Masterclass schedule:

Yoga and Essential oils CONNECTION - Tbc

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Corporate classes

Reduce stress & increase energy

I offer corporate yoga classes in companies during a lunch hour and before or after the working day. 

These classes can help employees to get strong and physically fit at the same time improve focus and concentration. The end results also having a better posture and having some fun together on the mat.

I will tailor the classes to your needs and modify poses for them to suit both beginners and experienced yogis alike.

Please contact me for more details and prices.

Yoga Class

"What we think, we become"



CLASS & Workshop schedule

  • Mondays 8pm - Holyport Memorial Hall.

Workshop - Yoga and Essential oils - CONNECTION- Tbc


Contact Me

Holyport, Maidenhead SL6, UK


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I have been practising yoga with Jenny for more than a year now, and I am incredibly pleased with how much she has helped me progress. After having undergone 18 months of cancer treatment and surgery, and having lost a huge amount of range of motion and strength in my left side and arm, I was hoping to improve a little through taking these classes. Jenny’s classes, which are thorough and well thought out, focus on Vinyasa Flow yoga, but also include helpful parts of Ashtanga, Pilates core work and Functional movement, which all help to give you a good workout and strengthen and develop your muscles. Jenny is always encouraging and supportive, and I feel very comfortable in her classes. I am also delighted with the progress I have made so far. I have full mobility and range of motion in my left side again, and I was able to stop going to physiotherapy as a result. My physio was extremely pleased with the core strength and flexibility I have developed as a result of Jenny’s expert tuition and my practice, and I personally love the personal challenge and relaxation I get from her classes.


In the past I occasionally tried and enjoyed the odd yoga class but with Jenny I want to go back every week. The way she structures the class is fun and she teaches and explains why we do all the poses and exercises so you can understand what you are working towards. It has motivated me to try harder each time, she also gives different levels of difficulties so you can choose what suits you best . Her energy is infectious and she will always make you smile! Zoom classes are still amazing , it s like we are still in her beautiful studio 🙏🙏🙏


Jenny is a passionate, knowledgeable, inspirational  teacher. Jenny even through her new zoom sessions manages to connect to you and makes you feel so good about yourself, wherever your body may be that day. Jenny is all about teaching others with only support knowledge and kindness. I will be her student for as long as she practises.


I've only been going to yoga for six months but can feel such a difference with my general flexibility and core strength. I have shoulder problems and Jenny adapts everything so that I don't over strain and yet still get a full work out. All finished by five minutes of relaxation that I wish could go on forever.


Jenny creates a warm, inviting calm practice studio whithin the peace and privacy of her home in Holyport, inviting all abilities to her Vinyasa flow yoga classes, she gives clear, educational instruction.
Each session is always inspirational and positive but always different from the last.
A guided meditation closes the practice, connecting mind and body allowing gentle reflection on how well you worked your core! 🧘🏼‍♀️ Namaste 


Never tried yoga before but love Jenny’s classes - good fun and I feel the difference. She always explains each session well with objectives outlined clearly.


I have done yoga with Jenny and can honestly say she’s uniquely caring, calm and insightful about what is right for your particular body. She’s such a lovely and knowledgeable teacher.


Jenny is a fantastic teacher! I’ve never done yoga before, and was very nervous! Jenny made me feel very welcome and spent time with me, ensuring that I was doing everything correctly. The oils at the end of each session are fantastic! Really help you feel relaxed. I would highly recommend Jenny to anyone looking for a local yoga class.


I always look forward to Jenny’s classes and feel so much better after I’ve been. The way Jenny guides you through the movements makes it easy to follow at your own pace. She includes a good amount of strengthening and stretching as well as a lovely relaxation at the end. Friendly small group classes with clear instruction in a lovely calm yoga space 🙏


It is purposeful with clear structure supported by Jenny's ability to engage with everyone of us in the class. The sessions are flowing and aesthetic. Feel rejuvenated at the end of every class.


Jenny ran and early morning Yoga session with me and my team, in the gardens of a lovely local hotel. She was extremely caring for the  people she was instructing (a few of us had injuries) and her very bright and positive personality, together with her very strong Yoga expertise allowed us to have  a great start to our day. Thank you Jenny!


Corporate client - Legoland UK

Having never done Yoga before I was a bit nervous but Jenny is just lovely, explains everything clearly and I’m loving the classes 😊 her studio is small and comfortable and I’d highly recommend.


I've been to about 10 yoga classes in my 50 odd years of life, and I have to say that the way Jenny builds up the stretches and explains how to do things is amazing. Jenny also makes it fun, as well as challenging. One evening I went in with sore Achilles tendons from running, and by the end I had no pain and managed to do the Crow position, which I never thought I would ever do. I'm up for more.


Jenny is a patient and thoughtful teacher, being fairly new to yoga when starting with her, she has managed the balance of pushing me on yet never asking too much - I can feel assured that whatever she is asking me to try, it is because she knows I can achieve it. I'm consequently now doing things in class that I wouldn't have thought possible 6 months ago...and most importantly am feeling great because of it.


Fat boy yoga. Five rather portly, approaching 50, dads and friends have just competed a 6 week course of beginners yoga with the very patient and supportive Jenny. It was good fun, great exercise and totally relaxing. I slept better on the nights after yoga than I have on any other night in years. We look forward to starting our next set of sessions.


I have had 3 yoga sessions with Jenny. In general I can say I learnt a lot and really enjoyed the time.
Jenny designed the classes to much my needs/requirements. She was mindful of my achey shoulder. She was able to explain how each movement should be done correctly and how even tiny adjustment makes a huge difference. I was surprised how much I can do under her guidance. 
I have already mentioned her name to few of my clients and friends.


I had thought about trying yoga for a few years, however felt nervous about my lower back due to my experiences in a group pilates class a few years ago. In the pilates class, I rested for all the exercises which involved the lower back as I had previously attempted a few and found that they aggravated my back. I therefore felt unsure about trying yoga and having the same experience. However, my fears were unfounded, in part due to the very detailed careful and individual teaching.

I found my the classes challenging, however at the right level for a novice. I enjoyed the focus on the muscles around the lower back and quads as these are areas which need to be strengthened to support my lower back as Jenny explained to me. The beginning of each class was very relaxing, with the breathing exercises easy to follow and I found Jenny's voice very calm, enjoyable to listen to and reassuring. The pace of the classes were also perfect for a beginner and at no part of the classes did my back hurt, Jenny did tell me to stop if it did hurt. The sequences were very carefully thought out and clearly demonstrated by Jenny first and then Jenny corrected me if necessary.

I thoroughly enjoyed my introduction to yoga and felt calmer after each class. I ached the next day, but I can see how it will strengthen my back and enable me to play tennis once more, which I have not been able to do for 8 years. I felt at ease during the classes and felt Jenny created a calm, safe environment for a nervous student and look forward to continuing with her in the future. 


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